Meny Hert Heilbron
Fourth Engineer Officer, S. S. Har Zion
Died 31 Aug 1940
Commemorated at Tower Hill Memorial
Age 25
Meny was born on 9 March 1914 in Oradea, Romania to Judah and Tsporah and he had a twin sister Esther. In 1932 the family moved to Israel setting in Haifa, where Meny trained to be an electrician. He decided to change profession and joined the ship Har Carmel and sailed between Haifa and the Back Sea. At the outbreak of war he joined the crew of the S.S. Har Zion. At 06.15 hours on 31 August 1940, the ship left Liverpool with 1000 cases of spirit and 120 tons of fertiliser to travel to the USA. The Har Zion was attacked by U-boat, U-38 which fired two torpedoes amidships and ship sank north west of Ireland. The master and thirty five crew were killed.